
"Those who never struggled with difficulty can never know the full joy of success"

Meyer & Slechta

After a season in Spain it came the time for me to try something different, something new, and so I decided to go back to Argentina and put my engineering degree to work. I taught English for a few months while I started my job search around the main "tech" companies with offices in Buenos Aires. It was an exciting time for an engineer in BA! 

I was hired at the brand new ExxonMobil BSC while continuing playing volleyball in Buenos Aires (this time for GEBA). It was a great experience being part of one of the biggest companies in the world, but after nine months behind a desk I realized that it was not the kind of life I wanted. I needed to do something that mattered to me directly and made a difference to the people around me. It was then than the first ideas of Sportlinx360 came to my mind. 

I participated in a very interesting program in 2011, it was called "Desafio Joven" and it was sponsored by the oil company Shell (competitors of ExxonMobil I worked for as an irony). The "Young Challege" (that's what Desafio Joven means) consisted in having a sponsor who guided young entrepreneurs into creating a complete business plan of their "business to be" and compete for money prices to get the business started, My business plan was great, it was the basis of what today is Sportlinx360 and I was convinced I was going to be selected, at least, on the top 10. 

It was quite a shock when I received the email saying my project was not selected, it literally made a whole on my stomach and it took me several months to get over it. 

By then I wasn't comfortable in Buenos Aires anymore, the everyday life, though I made decent money, was not what I wanted and after 9 months of hard work at ExxonMobil BSC, playing for GEBA and going out a few "not-to-marry" guys, I really needed a change so when the chance of going back to play professional volleyball came along, I took it and this time we were going to the Olimpo of volleyball.... Italy!!!